Cadaver vs. Microsoft HoloLens: A Comparison of Educational Outcomes of a Breast Anatomy Module

Yong, V., Sridharan, P., Ali, S. A., Tingle, G., Enterline, R., Ulrey, L., ... & Wish-Baratz, S. (2018). The FASEB Journal, 32(1_supplement), 635-6.   

Volume32, IssueS1 Experimental Biology 2018 Meeting Abstracts Pages 635.6-635.6

Microsoft Hololens mixed reality technology offers students a novel modality to visualize clinically important anatomical structures, such as the breast, which are uniquely challenging to discern with the naked eye in traditional cadaveric dissection. In this study, a 3D anatomical model of the breast was developed and integrated it into a dynamic, educational module on the HoloLens. The educational outcomes and overall impressions of medical students learning breast anatomy through our module, as compared with traditional dissection are reported in the study. 


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